Saturday, November 9, 2013

7 Challenges and Solutions 7 Photographing in Museum

Do you like Photography? if we had the chance to go to the countries of Western Europe , then one of the main purpose of visiting the museum . This place is always crowded and filled with a collection of unique and well-maintained . One museum with other museums has its own peculiarities so hard to pass up .

Most of the museum allows visitors to use the camera to capture the atmosphere and collection. And most of all, prohibiting the use of a tripod and flash ( flash ) when shooting . Therefore , the flash is believed to emit heat and electromagnetic waves that can damage the museum's collection .

Nah imagine the destiny of classical paintings Leonardo Da Vinci Louvre Museum when thousands of visitors per day Paris lights flash when photographing the painting.

Would not want to , which is already set up cameras around the hotel needs to be creative how to get a picture of the atmosphere and museum collections to the fullest . Moreover , it turns out the challenge of photographing inside and outside the museum is not just a matter of lighting but also about white balance which needs to be examined so that the color is more natural images .

What are the challenges ?

First , the main problem is photographed in low light in the museum , and for low-light lens can already be considered dim .

Prohibition of using the flash makes the lens has to work extra hard to catch the light a little .

Secondly , the indoor museum rooms typically use a light bulb yellowish . Including floodlights used to illuminate the museum's collection .

Note the white balance so that the resulting image is more natural , not too ripe yellow or red like boiled shrimp
Third , each lamp in each of the museum's collection or in any intensity of light has a tendency different . Differences caused by many factors such as the life of the bulb lights and big -small room that is not the same .

For the human eye , may not be felt. But for the eye lens , the light color difference is very sensitive and only slightly affect the white balance .

Fourth , sometimes the light is also plagued with sunlight coming through the window grille . As a result there is a light yellowish color mixing of white and color light from the sun .

Moreover, if the direction of the light source is two do not get along but clashed , need special patience around this .

Fifth , the bustling atmosphere of museum visitors create difficulties when trying to create a clean image of the scenes visitors ' damaging the frame ' .

Suppose that nearly all the visitors in awe with a collection of Rembrandt paintings , but there are 2 or 3 people who actually laugh or longer brake . As a result the picture becomes harmonious .

Sixth , spacious room in the museum is not the same . There is a large hall form , but there are small like the size of 5x6 meter room cubicle .

In fact there are also only 2 meters wide hallway on the wall but there is an interesting collection of paintings , as I have encountered in the Chateau de Cheverny , France .

The big difference is small room will affect the use of lenses . Is it effective to use a wide lens or a normal lens .

Seventh , almost museum buildings in Europe has a unique exterior design . So anyone going to the museum photographing the atmosphere and details outside the museum as well .

Well , take pictures inside the museum and outside the museum is very different technically camera . Particularly regarding the intensity of light ( ISO ) and the problem of color ( white balance ) . The difference should not forget that time is not wasted just to set up some cameras .

But do not feel inferior when making ittenery to museums . There are always the usual tricks to maximize results remain image

First , prepare the lens with a wide aperture to at least f / 2.8 . If you do not have , can borrow or rent paid friend . If only the biggest aperture f / 3.5 then get ready to raise the ISO number to over 2,500 .

Second , prepare a wide lens to anticipate the small room once the room is very spacious . Wide lens will be able to reach a small room because its range is wide , so it is not necessary when shooting retreat, retreat and kepentok wall .

While when shooting with a very spacious room , the whole atmosphere can be recorded up to the corners of the room .

Third , prepare like a 50mm normal lens . The normal lens is needed to capture detail and museum collections .

It would be very lucky if the lens has a wide range to normal at once and has a large diaphragm . Suppose 24-70 lens with f / 2.8 and used on a full frame camera .

Even if reluctantly changing lenses or left behind in the hotel , mengcroping of wide lens to get detail does not matter . Just make sure the subject will have the sharpness dicroping relevant .

Fourth , the ISO setting on the camera to suit room conditions . Usually set above ISO 2,000 for ambient conditions such as ballrooms in hotels .

Do not get bored and forget to menggonta - change ISO when there is a difference between the light intensity of the room . Can also use Auto ISO , but the resulting image will taste different from the manual .

Fourth , as much as possible using the whitebalance ( WB ) manually ie Kelvin . In degrees Kelvin , usually starting with the smallest number 2,500 and the largest 12,000 . Smallest number to deal with the cold color temperature ( blue ) , while most of the hottest colors for temperature ( red ) .

In the museum room with air conditioning in the winter and set the yellow light bulb , usually can be anticipated with a degree Kelvin between 3000 to 4500 .

While outside the museum with the sun blazing , degrees Kelvin can be increased up to 6,000 or 7,000 or more depending on the intensity of the sun Caha .

If you mess around with these calculations because not used , can be used auto WB .

But it is also not guaranteed to be natural color . Therefore, there are other facilities such as tungsten WB which allows the natural color image .

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